Tuesday, March 8, 2011

littlest cowgirl

the stylin' print on the fabric :)

the baby boots...

me thinks she likes these boots :)
today was rodeo day @ school...pictures to come (after i download!)  emery also made her debut at the children's museum.  lots of fun :)  i have the CRAZIEST month coming up...spring break, beckett's birthday party, emery's birthday party, my half marathon, shell houston open, ellis' birthday party, and a trip to disney.  all of those things happen before april 4th.  crazy, right?  and shhhhhhh....disney is a surprise.  the kids have no idea!!!  we are waking ellis up for her birthday and heading for the airport.  i am so excited i can hardly stand it!!!!!  she is going to freak!


  1. Hey! I found your blog through Sarah's. You are so creative with your kiddos and have so much energy! You are a great mom! I am new to the blogging world, and love getting ideas from all the blogs. My blog is http://growingupgrona.blogspot.com/ if you want to follow:) I hope to see you at the reunion!

  2. OMG those boots are too adorable on her! What a fun month yall have ahead! I've been counting down til Rylie turns 5 & we can take her to Disney. Seems like such a perfect age for it!
