Sunday, September 26, 2010

the boys

it may suck to be the "middle child"...but it does not suck to be the only boy. beckett has a lifetime of football, golf, hunting, & fishing ahead of him. today he is at the texans game with his dad. beckett was so THRILLED to be going. though he was a little confused as to why he was putting on blue instead of orange for football :) but whatevs...they hit two tailgates and are in the game as i type. let's hope this one turns out better than the horns game yesterday. boooo!

thanks for the tix bo :)

Friday, September 24, 2010

matching longhorns

too cute for words huh?? we are off to horns watching party today...dressed in our gameday best :) we opted out of going to austin for the game...can you believe it!?!

hello blue eyes...

hook 'em!!

Thursday, September 23, 2010

the unicorns

the unicorns had their first soccer game on saturday. they won :) like i said before...cute and good! one of the moms ordered the patch below for their uniforms. i brought my needle and thread with me in the car on the way to the game (i was running behind) looks as though i need a refresher course in sewing ms. beth!!!
pep talk...she is #8...
the leaman girls came to show their support...they even had signs!!!
brother loves to kick back and cheer ellis on...he is so proud!!
cute as can be :)
and this is random but i don't want to forget...i set an outfit out for ellis to wear to MOPS the other day. when she saw it she said "actually mom, i had something with a little more pizzazz in mind". yes...PIZZAZZ!!!!

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Friday, September 17, 2010

do you have your costume yet?

halloween is everywhere already!!! let's take a quick trip down memory lane :)

ellis, chick, 7 months
ellis, monkey, 19 months

beckett, puppy, 7 months

ellis, kitty, 2 1/2

beckett & ellis, monsters, 1 1/2 & 3 1/2
and to answer my own question. yes! we have ours for this year :)

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

party girl

emery went to her first football weekend in austin. needless to say, she loved is in her blood. beckett thinks austin is his kingdom, and the co-op is his castle. i can't sufficiently describe the love he has for the longhorns. he sang the eyes of texas THE ENTIRE WAY THERE. i have witnesses. we headed to the co-op bright and early saturday morning to stock up for the season. so many ridiculously cute outfits for all three children. here is emery in one of her purchases...
i have to apologize for the next few pictures...she drank a little too much at the tailgate :) party girl...i don't know where she gets it??

and on a totally unrelated note...check out this bottled water. yes, that is the tower. brilliant.

Monday, September 13, 2010

close talker

ellis and beckett like to compete for emery's attention...and her laughter. beckett won this battle for sure...she could not stop laughing. he likes to talk REAL close...and emery was loving every minute of his shenanigans... (i am pretty confident i spelled that totally wrong).

is he going to poop on my head??
she looks nervous...

wow. a little space please brother...

adorable. i hope she always loves him this much :)

Thursday, September 9, 2010

they don't even know...

what FABULOUS friends they will be :) their older siblings are a week apart and these two are three weeks apart. oh what fun is in store...

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

big week

we have had a big week around here!! first, ellis started her LAST year of preschool & beckett started his LAST year of mother's day out. ellis also had her first soccer practice and started gymnastics. fun times :)

here she is on her first day :) she is in charge of all clothing now. she picks what she wants me (or bebe!!) to buy and decides what she wants to wear everyday. sometimes, this is not a great thing. but most of the time she has fabulous taste...

i was talking to the kids (mostly to beckett) on the way to their first day...saying how sweet, helpful, etc. their teachers would be...ellis says (in an annoyed tone) "you don't have to tell me this stuff mom. i am not scared".
here is little brother's backpack...there was a tiny defect on his one from last year (still totally usable though) so they sent this one for free. love that :)
first soccer practice. and let me tell you...they are GOOD! seriously. and CUTE! obviously. she has known every little girl on her team since she was approx. 9 months old. how cool is that?
her shirt says "live for soccer"...slight exaggeration :)
beckett watching his hero. "good job ellis"....he would say this over and over :)
and the gymnast. taking class at the same place i did as a kid :)

and finally...the biggest news of, i am not pregnant! we have a contract on our house. we close in 30 days and have no place to go. yiiiiiiiikes!!! mom & dad...clear out the closets :)

the lazy days of summer are over...

and i think i am actually ok w/ it! this is how we spent most mornings...2 sippy cups and 1 bottle in mom's bed. 4 people in jammies. cartoons & computer games on. breakfast around 9 (or later!)

emery can now give herself an entire bottle which comes in very handy now that we have to be out of the house around 8:45!!! school is in session!