Sunday, November 3, 2013


Halloween was so much fun this year!!  I wish I could have talked emery into a different costume but I can't least she wore one.  She was Snow White for her parade and party and Ariel on Halloween night.  

When i ask her to smile for a picture, 90% of the time she does a cheerleader pose!?!!

Girl cousins on Halloween night!

an awesome house gave out Jell-O shots  (we knew them obviously)

one of my sister wives, Roxanne :)

Beckett wouldn't stop for a picture :(

We go to a party in the neighborhood every much fun!  there must be 30 or 40 kids.  Love it!  

Saturday, November 2, 2013

throwback thursday (posted on saturday)

still love this picture so much...hope you had a happy halloween!  we coming soon