Tuesday, August 23, 2011

the biggest problem in my life right now: skin

spent the afternoon @ texas children's to see beckett's dermatologist.  the funny thing is that by the time the appointment came around, his skin was a non-issue and the girls looked like they should be taken away from me and given to a nice new family.  so...if you are wondering why i haven't posted pics from the first day of kindergarten, the reason is because ellis won't let me take her picture.  and rightfully so!  she has something called fifths disease.  it is totally heinous and must be some kind of mean joke that she has it for the start of kindergarten.  luckily, she is a confident little girl and it somehow doesn't bother her?!?!?  clearly, she is not my daughter :)  

and then there is emery.  we were in kingwood for a happy hour like THREE weeks ago and she was bitten by mosquitos.  well, she still has them but they have morphed into these GINORMOUS sores that she keeps messing with.  i do neosporin, bandaids, long sleeved jammies, everything you can think of.  so disgusting.  

beckett's lovely doctor helped me with prescriptions for all three...what a nightmare.  ellis' rash should last another week or so...emery has antibiotic ointments...and on a positive note, beckett's skin is looking good :)

here is one of emery's bites.  she literally has more than 10 of these...legs, arms, chest and face....

and ellis' rash.  this is her back...picture it on her sweet little face :(

 more on em

it is so fun being a mom of three!!!!

1 comment:

  1. BLESS...THEIR...HEARTS! Hopefully the meds make them better ASAP! Thinking of yall!
