Thursday, December 9, 2010

emery + santa = love

it wasn't love at first sight as you can see in the first picture.  she looked at him...staring...thinking...who are you?   then she turned to the audience of people watching for her reaction and LIT UP!!!

brother got a turn...
and ellis...

my friend in the neighborhood has people come over for brunch & pictures w/ santa (in your jammies if you want)...and accepts donations to an orphanage in stuff...

can you tell liz and i went shopping together?

 we then went straight to get our tree.  yes, in the jammies.  an old man @ lowes looked at my three kids still in their jammies and said "that. is. fantastic."  we then went home and started decorating :)  it takes A LONG TIME to decorate with 2 little helpers.  they were in competition..."mom, who hung theirs in a better place on the tree?" AFTER EVERY ORNAMENT!  i would, however, like to give a special thanks to emery who waited to start crawling until AFTER decorations were complete :)

see that purple sparkly number at the bottom there?  that would be our tree skirt :)

1 comment:

  1. is that liz at my mops table's girls? love the matching pj's!
