Tuesday, November 2, 2010

"i got my ears pierced for a boy to love me"

ellis has been DYING to get her ears pierced.  i would say she brings the subject up every few weeks...but then quickly says she is too scared it will hurt and decides she will wait until she is 5.  i have never had an opinion on it...never encouraged it, but never discouraged it.  but i did tell her it would hurt :)  i wasn't sure what got the ball rolling last thursday...but she told me in the car on the way to school that when i picked her up that afternoon, she would be ready to get her ears pierced.  

she wasn't kidding.  when i picked her up she was on a mission.  she didn't want me to call anyone...she wanted it to be a surprise.  i told her we could go check things out and look @ the earrings (meaning see if she would go for something other than purple CZ!).  we arrive @ claire's (classy) only to find out there is just one lady working...bummer!...this means she couldn't have both holes done @ the same time.

guess who didn't care?  she picked out her jewels and was prepped.  it turned out that another worker showed up right when it was time.  they got their guns and counted to 3.  i thought there was some problem because ellis didn't even flinch.  i guess she knows it hurts to be beautiful :)

i know people have opinions on what an appropriate age for pierced ears is.  i just think if it makes her happy and does no harm, what's the big deal?? and it was 150% her idea...she is as girly as they come.

and let me tell you just how HAPPY they make her...loooooooooooves them!

how sweet right??  please tell me not trashy :)  she picked teeny tiny gold balls. i guess she will ask santa for diamonds??  totally kidding. 

when brandon got home from work that night, ellis told him, "i got my ears pierced for a boy to love me".  i whipped my head around...WHAT?!?!  that was the first i had heard of this information.  after further questioning, it seems there are 2 girls vying for a certain boys attention at school.  this other girl doesn't have her ears pierced so ellis figured this would give her some sort of edge.  wow.  we are in SO much trouble!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. That last picture is adorable! Fighting for boys already! he he... Too Cute!
