Wednesday, March 4, 2009

an urban cowboy and his sissy

took the kiddos to the rodeo today...not the real rodeo...just the carnival and "AGventure"...but i still call it the rodeo :) we took ellis last year...she was almost 2 so she totally knew what was going on...this was beckett's first year (obviously)...totally clueless...though he did take an interest in the animals and watching his sista on the pony. he just wanted to be OUT OF THE STROLLER...and every time i obliged, i turned around to find him licking an animals cage, eating sawdust, etc...things of that nature. e-coli should be setting in at any moment.

i got him that terrible red hat at walmart for $4...gotta love it. of course, he wouldn't keep it on for more than a second. i figured at least this way...when ellis plays dress up with him, she can put a red cowboy hat on him instead of a pink tiara. ellis loves her pink hat...from purple mango...more than $4 of course :) and the boots...oh the boots.

i took ellis to cavender's to pick out a new pair of cowgirl boots. i should have known better. i ask where little girl boots are...back of the store. we get to the back and there is a SEA of pink cowgirl boots. why? why did i do this to myself? i knew a "situation" was about to go down. it wasn't pretty...but i was determined to win this one. "ellis, look at the brown ones...just like mommy's boots" NO. i call brandon...

me: what would you think about pink boots for ellis?

brandon: absolutley not.

me: are you sure? she really really really wants pink.

brandon: she isn't wearing pink cowgirl boots.

me: ellis...if you get the brown ones i will give you a pink popsicle when we get home

ellis: ok

it was actually a lot worse than that but the popsicle is what finally did it. normally, i do let her pick what she wants...within reason...but i had to put my foot down on the boots. they were like $80...i wasn't going to pay for 2 pair (one brown and one pink)...and she is going to wear them for UT football and burnt orange are a questionable combination. PLUS...i now have a son who will wear them one day...i KNOW he won't be allowed to wear pink boots...brown is a win-win for everyone...except ellis.

so back to the was fun...we did the pony ride, walked thru the carnival, saw a baby calf being delivered (cool and gross), etc. we are also going to the REAL rodeo in a couple weeks...minus beckett. ellis is CRAZY OBSESSED with taylor swift...she literally knows all of the words to 5 of her songs minimum. she can't wait to see the "real priness". i think she calls taylor that because of love story (one of her songs)...should be fun :)

first up, hanging out @ the carnival...which wasn't ACTUALLY even open!

beckett on the pony...he is happy doing anything really...hmmm...i take that back- hates diaper changes!

oh noticed she had a costume change...a lady doesn't ride a pony in a skirt!

he looks like he is in a cage...i wish!

here he is watching sissy on the pony. he idolizes her :) his outfit reminds me of something one would wear to a fraternity "trashy country" theme party...

of course ellis wore her super cute belt that bebe got from of the prisoners there made it for her with love :)

a fun day for those pearl snap shirts!

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