that is what we have been doing. spotting trucks and airplanes. i happen to have the perfect house for it...gosh, that beckett is one lucky kid :) "truck" and "airplane" are two of his favorite words right now. we take a snack out to the front porch, turn the fan on, and wait. it takes maybe 30 seconds before you see an airplane...they are non-stop in fall creek obviously. and for some reason, they are moving an INSANE amount of dirt from one side of fall creek to the other...so there are trucks constantly passing my house. a lot of them...probably 3 per minute all day long. we are the front house so we look out onto the golf course/main street through the neighborhood. beckett would sit out there all day if it weren't for ellis getting tired of his little hobby real quick...
here we are on the front porch...just waiting...

mama...i see it!!! "airpane"...
and a "tuck"!! ellis is so over it.
life is good...

a double truck sighting!!!


look @ his gorgeous hair. i know...it is too long. i am taking him in this week for a cut. heartbreaking.

looking a little w.t. here...need to go make that appointment...

take it off :)

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