i was trying to be sweet...trying to include beckett in something fun that he couldn't really screw up too bad. ellis and i were baking cookies for santa. we did the hard part during his nap...the measuring, mixing, rolling, shape cutting, etc. the sugar cookies even came out of the oven looking pretty good i must say :) we then let them cool. on the tail end of that step, i heard the monster wake up from his siesta. this is where the nice part comes into play...i decide that instead of parking him in his high chair with something to occupy his time, i would actually let him "help"...involve him in the fun decorating process. HUGE MISTAKE. in the time it took me to frost one cookie, he had reached for the sprinkles, opened them, and dumped the ENTIRE bottle onto the counter/floor...with a smile on his face. i actually watched in horror as he dumped them...it was no accident. i just couldn't get there in time. he (and ellis) thought it was fabulous. she is in awe of the things he will do...i think even a little jealous...because she would never even think of doing something bad. what you will see in the following pictures does not do the mess i had to clean justice. the sprinkles that were bouncing all over my kitchen did not photograph well on the wood floors. you will get the idea though :)

can you see the monster's hand trying to get as many scooped up and into his mouth as possible?

his sister liked the idea of that as well...

actually sis, try this...


it was an accident...i swear!

nah...you know me better than to believe that!

Michael did the exact same thing with the glitter tube when decorating pine cones for our table centerpiece!! I got lucky as russ cleaned the floor up for me when I fell asleep with Julia! :). Must be a BOY thing!!!