there were 6 kids (and three on the way)...ellis being the are the 3 boys. they go right for the electronics...
i think they are waving @ santa here. beckett and daddy both have their "to go" drinks :) they are sporting their "B" and "E" sweaters that are sooo last year...i still love them!
how cute is this picture?? one of them got tired of the wagon and got on brandon's shoulders. surprise but the other one wanted on shoulders too (the one who wants to do EVERYTHING his sister does). jeff stepped up to the plate :) he is SO sweet w/ our kiddos...

margaret had cupcakes for the kids after the long walk...nothing like a 9 p.m. sugar high!! this is his latest smile he does for the camera...
he drinks 17 cups of whole milk a day and i can still count all of his ribs!
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