emery and i had a date @ the pumpkin patch. just me and her :) you know i love a good photo opp. and she ALWAYS cooperates for me...always so damn happy!!!
i am having issues w/ my camera so a ton of the PERFECT ones didn't turn out (nothing to do w/ my tiny model)...
i love her sweet little frown in this one. i guess she didn't like the look of the stranger that was trying to talk to her :) smart girl.
i stuck a bow in her hair for a few pics. the jury is still out on this look. i just don't think it looks right w/ out a good amount of hair. and i refuse to put those stretchy headbands w/ the bow attached on her. i just can't get on board with those...
was it cold this day? no. did emery wear a pumpkin hat regardless? you better believe it!
ellis in the pumpkin hat...


emery again...
all btwn 6-7 months old. all in the same hat. you know i love that stuff :)
all of your kids are so cute brandy, but emery is the CUTEST! love her little smile and cheeks! and i'm so with you on the head bands with bows...I never put Kate in those, but I do like the little bow in her hair. she's a doll!!!