beckett thinks EVERYTHING his sister does is the greatest, coolest thing ever. he often sees me taking pictures of her on the front when it is his turn, and i tell him photo session time, he RUNS for the front porch..can't get there fast enough. he won't take pictures anywhere else :) here he is hamming it up for me! how can you not love this kid?

on his new trampoline...

this was taken right after he tried to ride one of the goats (look at his hair!)...brandon got it on is soon as i figure out how to put a little clip on here, i will...

they were still friends after though...he was telling people they were his donkeys :)

fake horse...he kept saying "push it"...sorry b, that's all it does :)

swinging w/ his best girl :) sweet tiffany who is as pregnant as me kept hoisting him up there :) and there is ellis with that hot dog again...

beckett w/ paint...yikes!


cupcake time...

w/ his biggest fan :)

this cowboy doesn't get tired...he was still going 100 mph at 9 p.m...i think he misunderstood and painted his shirt instead of the hat :)

i think one more b-day party post and i will have covered it all! pls ignore the time i am posting this...i should be ASLEEP!
i'm so glad that brandon got beckett riding the "donkey" on tape! that was so funny...he crazy!