even w/ a yard, pool, sprinklers, etc...he goes straight for the rocks
so sweet :) somebody needs a manicure!
at the austin house...EVERYTHING that can be longhorn is longorn...here is ellis coloring @ her longhorn table...other university of texas items @ the house include a tricycle, stick bevo (instead of stick horse), puzzles, bevo-in-the-box, rubber bevo for bath, stuffed bevos, crib bedding, longhorn tutu, blow up bevo, and much much much more...and these are only the things for the kids. my parents should own stock in the co-op.
yes...even UT swimsuits...ellis has 3.
on the armadillo @ the domain...love love love the domain!
can you see how small this little puddle of water is? beckett immediatley went and sat, splashed, and then rolled in it...like a pig in mud.
there are few things in this world better than maude's queso!
more sweetness...i swear, i do NOT tell her to do this...for real
he lost the watergun fight :)
the longhorn suit is TOO cute!! What is the domain??