those winter months of buyer's remorse over the pool in our backyard were quicky forgotten when we swam for the first time this year!!! we heated the pool for beckett's birthday party...and just kept it warm for a swim filled sunday. SO much fun...ellis is at the age where she would stay in the pool all day. and beckett is a total water baby...he is happy to float in his little contraption as long as you let him. he has always loved the water...he once took a 2 hour bath on my back patio when he was around 5 months old. i had a group of girls in town...we were all outside with our kids...and he was tired of being out there...i just brought his little bathtub out there and let him play in it for literally...hours! i see a lot of time being spent in that pool on hot summer days. for the first time in probably 4 years, i might get a tan! yay!! come swim with us!

oh we most certainly WILL come swim with you all soon i hope!! will need to find a bathing suit to fit this HUGE belly of mine though!! love the pics!! we miss ya'll!!