school is out for thanksgiving!!! sooo nice! bebe volunteered @ emery and beckett's school for the feast in her famous pilgrim costume. she has worn this every thanksgiving day as long as i can remember!! the kids loved it...entire classes were taking pictures with her :)
ellis, on the other hand, told bebe she would rather die than have her show up at fall creek elementary dressed like that...that's my girl :)
we went to the zoo with friends on tuesday...3 moms and NINE kids (4 of them 2 years old!). i have got to stop hanging out with other moms who are crazy enough to have three :)
we saw polar express in 3-d...really cute :)
happy boy before the big incident...
the big incident being that he fell into the lake. like all the way. needless to say it was hilarious (and totally his fault...although he tried to blame emery). the part that wasn't funny was that in my rush to get over to him, i fell. and i still have rocks stuck in my hands to prove it. the only thing i learned from this experience is that next time i won't be hurrying over to him...he could almost touch bottom. good to know :) and no, we didn't leave and no, i didn't buy him a new shirt.
here he is reflecting on his bad choices...with my jacket
no school also means sleeping in, no lunches to pack...pure bliss really. emery chooses her outfits and mama doesn't care. she actually wore this to a restaurant. at the last minute she noticed brandon had on a hogs breath t-shirt (classy)...she RAN to beckett's room to find his and threw it on over this really special air jordan shirt. i don't have a picture of the final outfit :(
we are on our way to austin as i type and this is what she is wearing...
those are her "monster eyes"...she is something else