poor beckett has eczema..."severe" eczema as the doctor says :( he has had it for a long time...but recently it flared up...really really bad. i took a couple pictures for my reading audience :) and for my mom who is in italy...so she could see just how bad it was. these pictures were taken AFTER a night of the steroids- his skin was actually worse than this...hard to believe...
in the room @ tx children's...watching the choo choo train (light rail)...terrible pictures... iphone
in the big waiting room...he thought he was SO cool...talking and showing off to everyone :)
had to get a picture of him in the hospital gown :)

here is one picture of it...awful!!! even though it itches the hell out of him, he is the happiest little boy :)

the treatment for eczema is interesting to say the least...we have 3 different steroid creams to apply at different times of the day (all day). before he goes to bed, we apply the strongest one and then put him in a wet wrap. a wet wrap is essentially this: we soak a pair of his jammies in warm water and put them on him (we ring them out first)...then we put a pair of dry jammies over the wet ones...same goes for socks. then he goes night night :) thankfully he already loved sleeping w/ 7 blankets because he was freezing his ass off w/ wet jammies on!!!
and then...mid-morning, we (why do i say we?)...i apply a mini-wet wrap...this means the strong steroid and then tube socks in warm water. it is hilarious. i feel like i work @ a burn center.

oh...and i had to cut holes in the hands so he could eat snacks :)

it is the worst behind his knees, behind his elbows (if that makes sense), on his feet, behind his ears...it is also on his tummy and back...so prety much EVERYWHERE :) he has special cream for his face...where he has a tiny bit. if i overuse that one it causes bulging of the eyeballs. lovely.

and since they don't know what caused the flare up, i got to go and buy special soap, shampoo, sunscreen, lotion, detergent, dryer sheets, etc. and then go home and wash all of his clothes in the "free" everything.

i will let you know his progress :)