...have a baby!!!
everything i do with emery becomes a fun activity for the kids...especially ellis. beckett will be interested for about a minute and then he is off to destroy something in the house. ellis has to be there for every bath, bottle, diaper change, etc...and her favorite...picking what emery will wear day and night :)
this particular evening she wanted emery to come snuggle in her bed. ellis ALMOST vomited when she saw emery in this yellow gown. she COULD NOT believe i would put her in such a thing.

here is ellis "burping" her...she will only be able to do this for so long. i think emery will eventually get too strong for me to trust ellis with her...

poor emery...

bathtime is always a huge hit...beckett just wants to splash her :)

beckett has to do EVERYTHING ellis does...so yes, even he gets a turn with the bottle...

he is still so sweet...the only thing he has done that was questionable was high five her in the face...oops

we use lots of "germy germs" (hand sanitizer) around the house :) ellis likes to get "dressed up" for bed as you can see here. she is in a no pajama phase...she wants to wear skirts to bed. whatev.

beckett reading a book to her...

kate (who will become a big sis in less than 4 days!!) came by to check her out...pls look at what ellis has on...it is pink velvet up top and leopard on the bottom...and one shouldered of course!

i could go on and on...but i won't...gotta go do some laundry or something? how is it possible that i think 3 kids is easier than when i had 1?