i always say it...destin is THE perfect location for a family trip :) my mom's side of the family has been going for 35 years...i was 6 weeks old my first time there. you just can't beat the redneck riviera, as it is so lovingly called. we had 45 people this year...which is actually a small group. we usually hover somewhere around 75 i think. we all stay @ the same place...cocktails start before 10 a.m....it is crazy fun.
before kids, it didn't matter how we got there...we would caravan...taking our time w/ a cooler of beer and many stops along the way. 2 years ago was our first time w/ a child. we drove w/ ellis (15 months old). it was hell. truly hell. and we broke up the trip...staying in baton rouge for the night. she was horrible on long car rides. nightmare. her achilles heel for sure...
last summer, ellis was easy...throw in a DVD and call it a day...but we flew because we had beckett (5 months old at the time)...it was just as bad. waiting @ the airport, then we were delayed...sat on the runway for over an hour...not fun. then renting a car and having to drive anyways. plus, there is only so much that will fit on a plane. and for the beach, you need lots of shit.
so this year we tried something new...traveling by night. and i will NEVER DO IT ANY OTHER WAY. so so so easy. i had to do zero entertaining...in fact, i am almost finished w/ the 4th twilight book. i read for the entire trip there and back :) so relaxing. my own mini-vacay.
here are just a few pictures...i have been enjoying cocktails @ redstone so i don't have it in me to sit here very long :) i will have to break up our trip into a few posts. here are just a few of the water...keep in mind, no photoshop has been used...i would love to but i don't have the time. the water really is this pretty...
ok...blogger is giving me problems...i will post more tomorrow...promise!